Attention everyone!
As we begin a new season of ministry here at FBC Cranbrook, we are excited about the opportunities and challenges that are before us. Specifically, with our young people! It takes a village to raise children, and the pooling of gifts will help to make this responsibility a much lighter burden to bear. We invite you to take the steps to be a volunteer this year. It could be weekly, it could be once every six weeks. There is a great amount of flexibility available for those who commit to helping. But commitment is what we are looking for. Please contact pastor Aaron to let him know you would like to join the team. Either FBC Kids or FBC Youth... or both! Invest in the lives of children. Attention parents of students going into grade 7!
On Sunday, September 8th there will be a special welcome event for you and your kid at the church. Grade 7 marks the transition from elementary to middle school, and also acknowledges the significant change that is going on in a young person's physiology. At FBC it is also the time when they transition from children's ministry to youth ministry. So, this event is an introduction to all of that. We hope that you will be able to attend. Please RSVP to pastor Aaron Hi there, I just thought it would be a good thing to put together this little newsletter so that you can gain some understanding about our annual Serve trip. Each Summer a church from the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada (CBWC) hosts Serve. Serve is like a short-term mission trip (SMT). It is also like a summer camp. It is both of those things combined. It is a SMT because youth are going to a place with the intention of sharing the love of God through acts of service. In partnership with the local host church who has made arrangements with their neighbours and various agencies and organizations, students go out and help in all kinds of ways doing all kinds of jobs. It is camp because youth are there from a whole bunch of different places. They share a living space for the week. They eat meals together. They worship God together each evening and hear the Gospel proclaimed. So that is what the four of us did this Summer in Prince Albert Saskatchewan. We were not alone though. A total of 139 people participated in Serve this year from 13 different churches. One group from Victoria fell victim to Westjet strikes and cancelations and had to stay home. But they made the most of their time and arranged their own service projects at home, serving their neighbours.
This summer will be a bit different for the children at FBC.
Intergenerational Sundays will be happening every Sunday! To make things more fun, we've created a designated family section in the fellowship hall where children can enjoy snacks, colour, and play with activity sheets. Families are welcome to go to the "jungle" area when it's time for Passing the Peace. Happy summer, kids! |